The future is green

Several studies and reports show that green energy is gradually replacing conventional energy, due to the people’s wish of progressing and protecting the planet.

We are concerned for the future, and green energy is part of our priorities.

Green energy means an increased accountability and an increased quality of life, but also a challenging process of changing mentalities, and Tinmar wishes to have an important say in this entire process.

For an increased sustainability, a great deal of the investments made for growing our company was directed, during the past years, towards the production of renewable energy in photovoltaic parks.

In our turn, through our development strategy, vertically integrated, we invest in renewable sources of energy and since 2012 we are producing solar energy in photovoltaic plants.

We have 16 solar parks

located in some of the brightest areas of Romania.

Learn more details



is the total power installed in the solar parks

Choose green energy for your consumption.

We are friends with the environment

Conventional resources are limited, and the extraction and their management is expensive, and has an irreversible impact on the environment. However, the green energy capture involves lesser risks, and benefits are maximum, both for the final consumer and for the environment.

Between years 2011 and 2014 the national installed renewable energy producing capacity has increased 4 times ( from 1233 MW to 5145 MW), and during the same period the share of radioactive waste resulted from the production of energy through conventional means (nuclear) and of CO2 emissions, has decreased 4 times.

In year 2015

The weight of green energy – photovoltaic in the portfolio of the company Tinmar, was doubled, compared to the national level. The social responsibility, the establishment of a balance between economic growth, environmental protection and finding optimal alternative solutions are the permanent concerns of Tinmar.

We change mentalities for a green and clean future

In a report published in October 2015, the International Energy Agency (AIE) was forecasting that renewable energy will represent 26% of the global electricity production in 2020, compared to 22% in 2013. That 4 percent means an increased quality of life and responsibility, as they indicate a significant change of mentality.

Our country has a high energy potential, in which alternative solutions are exploited throughout the entire territory.

Currently, in Romania, from the range of alternative energies, wind energy, biomass energy, hydro and solar energy are all being produced.

According to the available statistics, during the past 10 years, the production of renewable energy in E-SRE system has increased 1000 times.

Green certificates mean energy without any additional costs

Together with the implementation of the European legislation regarding the share of renewable energy, each European state has undertaken the obligation of implementing a system for subsidizing the production of renewable energy.

Our country has chosen a subsidizing scheme based on green certificates issued for each MWh produced, as opposed to the “fixed tariff” system for each MWh of renewable energy produced, implemented in other countries.

The consumption of green energy does not involve additional costs, therefore, through the payment of green certificates the production of renewable energy is supported, without adding additional costs to the electricity bill.

We wish for this vision to be understood and shared by as many residential consumers as possible that would wish to support the renewable energy and opt for its consumption.

Tinmar Energy Clients

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